Friday, June 25, 2010


We've been wondering how everyone feels about this blog! Click comment at the bottom of this post and let us know if you have any suggestions, like it, love it....(or hate it.)

Remember, we work for you and your child. If you think there is a way for us to be better, then help us help you!

If you would like to be discreet about your opinion, please send an e-mail to, subject line: blog.



Enjoy some photos from the past and see how much your child has grown!

Monday, June 14, 2010


Hello Parents!

Some of you may already know, but a lot of you don't know that I (Rozelle) offer babysitting! I am quite often free to babysit on weeknights and weekends as long as you are able to give me a two day heads up. I can babysit here at the daycare, or at your home, which ever you prefer. Most parents find it easier at their home because the kids will be asleep in their own beds by the time they get home.

Hope to hear from you soon!


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Flickr Update!

Parent's Night Out!

Hello Parents!

I just wanted to shoot out a reminder that there will be a Parent's Night Out on this Friday, June 11th. If you would be interested in taking a mini "stay-cation," then feel free to drop your kiddies off for a nice date with your spouse, some free time to get things done, or maybe just some time to yourself to relax! Here is some more information

When: Friday, June 11, 2010
Time: 5:30 pm - Midnight
Where: Peaches Happy Daycare; 1153 So. Shelter Bay, Hercules
Why? Because everyone needs some "me" time!!
Fees: $40 per child ($25 for the next sibling)
What to Bring: Pajamas and a security toy if needed


Bonus offer!
If you refer a friend to our P.N.O, you will receive $5 off your child's fee for the night!


Monday, June 7, 2010

June 2010 Newsletter

“The more that you read,

the more things you will know.

The more that you learn,

the more places you'll go.”

- Dr. Seuss

June Events

June 5-6 – Hercules Cultural Festival

10am -7pm @ Refugio Valley Park

June 11 – Parent’s Night Out!

Please R.S.V.P. by June 7th

June 13 – Gavin’s 2nd Birthday!

June 14 – Flag Day

June 20 – Father’s Day!

June 28-30 – Vacation


Wings and Things That Fly!

What we’re learning in June...

This month we will be soaring up, up, up in the sky as we explore this special flying interest that young children have, and what better way than though the most prominent feature, wings! From large planes to soaring birds to tiny insects, children experience wings in many ways.

We will soar through the clouds and buzz through the trees as wings help us in our travel and play. We’ll find some things with wings, and some things without, but the sky is the limit in our Wings and Things That Fly adventure!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

King of the Castle!

Father’s Day is June 21. You and your court can make Pop feel like royalty with these sweet, simple suggestions:

Designate a special “throne.” Put a cushion and a “King Dad” sign on a kitchen chair, or drape a pretty piece of fabric over the recliner (purple traditionally signifies royalty).

Craft a crown to suit his style. If he’s a sports nut, have your kids decorate a blank baseball cap with fabric pens or paint. If he’s into cooking, use a chef’s hat.

Play jester. Kids can dress up in silly costumes and tell jokes, perform comedy skits, or march around playing instruments.

Do Dad’s bidding. Whatever he says goes.

Design a coat of arms. Each royal family has one to represent its history and values. What’s important to you? Hang it proudly in the kitchen or on the front door.

-ideas taken from

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Recipe of the Week: Traffic Light Sandwiches!

This is a perfect vehicle to get the kids in the kitchen with you and have them make their own lunch!
- thin tomato slices
- shredded lettuce
- shredded carrots
- bread
- Butter (or mayo)

- Spread butter onto bread.
- Place tomato slice on the top third of the bread (stop), place carrot on the middle third (get ready) and then lettuce on the bottom third (go!).
- Using the apple corer, on the other slice of bread make three holes on one side, then another three on the other side.
- Place this slice of bread on top and cut down the middle so you have two traffic lights!

Quote of the Week

“The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it.”
~ Anonymous
Hello Parents!
If you just so happen to have your own "Bucket List," don't let any obstacles get in your way of crossing things off! Life is short, live it up! Take your children with you on adventures, try new resturaunts (or order something new at the usual ones,) and dare yourself to take on that hobby you've been wanting to learn. Showing your children that you aren't afraid of something new will give them that spark to literally follow in your footsteps. And don't forget: you're never too young to use your imagination!