Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thorough Thursday!

Waiting Activities...for kids!

We all have no choice but to take our kids around with us when we run errands so, to keep them occupied while we shop, you can:

  • Pick up an age appropriate Brain Quest. These are fun flip cards of fun questions and activities for children age 2 up.
  • Take a dry-erase marker and a small rag with you while you shop for clothes. Your child can draw on the mirror while you try things on. Clean it off with the rag.
  • Take a mini Etch-A-Sketches with you too.
  • Keep a small bag of crayons, colored pencils, drawing paper and a coloring book in your shopping bag.
  • Take a magnifying glass. Everything is interesting close up.
  • Take a small piece of card board, smaller bits of paper and string and a glue stick - make mini collages.

“A happy family is but an earlier heaven.” ~ John Bowring

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