Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wellness Wednesdays!

There are a total of 8 VEGETARIANS associated with us here at Peaches Happy Daycare, we just want to know: What's your favorite way to "Go Veg?!"

Miss Rozelle has been a vegetarian for almost 7 years now! What's some of her favorite "Go Veg" things to do? :

-Always shop local! Local Farmers Markets are a great way to try new foods!

-Menu planning will save your life! No one likes to get home from work and not know what's for dinner. I have a chalkboard in my kitchen and list a simple menu for the week every Sunday, then go shopping shortly after writing the list. I also cook extras so there will be something yummy for lunch the next day!

-PLAY WITH YOUR FOOD! I always like to "get bored" in the kitchen, this allows me to be creative with what I have in the pantry.

-I promote ALL animal safety by donating to ASPCA, ARF, and local humane societys, & I also hand out Peta2 flyers to dog owners about the dangers of leaving your dog in the car. Would you leave your child in the car on a hot day? NEVER! So why leave your pets in there? No one wants to be in a hot car wearing a sweater!

On your next trip to the grocery store or farmers market, let your child pick out a new fruit or vegetable, and let yourself (and your kids!) get creative in the kitchen!

What We Learned In June!

Here are some of the things your children said when asked "What did you learn about Transportation this month?"

-Sailboats use sails
-Lightning McQueen is a racecar and he drives on a track
-Some trucks carry dirt, some carry mail, and some carry food
-You get gas at the gas station and spray your car with water
-Airplanes need to turn on wheels so they can fly up
-We can travel by: walking, running, crawling on the ground, hopping like a bunny, jumping and spinning!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Special Storytime With Hercules Author, Laura Lee!

Join the Hercules Library for a special storytime from a local Hercules author, Laura Lee!
She'll be reading from her new book, Little Laura and the Birthday Surprise--learn some Mandarin Chinese, sing along, hear a story! Everyone is welcome to come out and have fun and meet the author.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 14th, 7:00pm @ the Hercules Library

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Relax, Recharge, Revive!


Can volunteering really help with everyday stress? Many current and former volunteers will say “Absolutely!” By giving the gift of your talents and time, you elevate your spirits, helping you to better cope with stress in your life.

Research has shown that volunteering offers many benefits, including building your sense of self, strengthening the immune system, and boosting self-esteem and self-confidence. Volunteering also allows you to meet new people, increasing your social network and circle of support. By volunteering, you are provided with opportunities to practice and develop your social skills by meeting regularly with a group of people with common interests.
But where do you start? You may want to ask yourself some of the following questions.
  • How much time can I realistically devote based on my personal schedule?
  • Should I volunteer individually or with my family?
  • Would I like to work with people or would I rather work in solitude?
  • Am I better behind the scenes or would I like a more visible role?
  • What skills can I bring?
  • What causes are important to me/my family?

Choose an organization or cause that interests you or that you are passionate about. You may choose to volunteer at a nursing home, animal shelter, art gallery or museum, library, hospital, soup kitchen or food bank, or your local airport. You may choose to use Volunteer Match,, to help you find the right opportunity in your community. Visit different organizations to get a feel for what they are like and to get a sense of the work you’ll be doing when you volunteer. Ask questions to make sure you know what is expected and that the opportunity is right for your skills, goals, and time you want to spend. The more satisfaction you have as a volunteer, the more likely you are to continue and make a difference. Do what you can and most importantly, have fun.

The saying “It’s better to give than to receive” is never more true than when it comes to volunteering. Not only will you brighten your own little corner of the world, but you will make a difference in someone else’s life and in your community.

-from High Reach Learning

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My, my, my! Where has the time gone?!

We here at Peaches Happy Preschool and Daycare are so sorry that we've been missing out on providing you parents with a plethora of information on your kids, what they're up to..and what we're up to! But we're back! Give us some feedback if we're vacant again, (hopefully not), and feel free to ask questions! Always ask questions, when in doubt, ASK! We'll be happy to do all the research for you, and answer and questions or comments you may have. And where do you send your questions or comments you may ask? Well, to Rozelle@PeachesHappyDaycare.Com

Hope to hear from you soon!

Friday, March 4, 2011

What We're Learning This Month: March!

This month, we will be highlighting on our theme of "Diversity and Communication." We will learn all about many people, foods, and ways of diverse cultural backgrounds, as well as the many different ways that people all over the world communicate!


Letters: C and D
Colors: Green and Yellow
Shapes: Octagons and Ovals
Number: 2
...and more Rhyming, Spanish, and Sign Language!

March 2011 Activity Calendar - Click to enlarge.