Monday, November 15, 2010

November 2010 Newsletter!

Exploring Sensational Senses!

Without trying, children endlessly use their senses to explore their ever growing world. This month’s topic focuses individually on the senses and opens opportunities to children of how to use their senses that they may not have yet considered. We’ll feel our way through our familiar environment, touch cold ice, smell sweet fruit, and taste many flavors while we learn with our Sensational Senses!

Also this month, we will be doing tests! Motor skills tests, memory tests, and overall skills tests. Expect to see an evaluation form in your Friday folders soon!

Keep the learning going!

As a parent, we’re sure you know that your child’s learning experiences are endless, so keep the learning going on at home and everywhere you are with your child!

Speak some Spanish!

Eye – ojo See­ – ver Sense – sentido

Body – cuerpo Touch – tocar Taste – sabor

Story time Recommendations

· The Turn-Around, Upside-Down Alphabet Book by Lisa Campbell

· The Eyes Book by Theo Lesieg

· Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? / Oso polar, oso polar, ?que es ruido? by Bill Martin Jr.

Reading Corner

Read to your kids! Studies show that babies read to learn to read and comprehend earlier then children not read to. You do not have to be a skilled reader to successfully read to your baby. It is the act of reading, not necessarily, what you are reading. Babies enjoy being held and listening to your voice. Your baby will learn to speak sooner and they will learn to read and write sooner than babies not read to.

November Events & Theme Days

2Happy Birthday Cookie Monster!

4,5 – Daycare closed for Child Care Conference

7 – Daylight’s Saving Time! Be ready to “Fall Back!”

11 – Veteran’s Day

17Bread day! The kids will bake and eat lots of different breads!

18National Mickey Mouse Day! If your child has any shirts or toys of Mickey Mouse (or Minnie), have them wear or bring it for this Mouse-House day!

19 - *Parent’s Night Out

23-26Daycare closed for Thanksgiving Holiday

25 – Mommy Peaches Birthday!

* Parents Night Out Event

Parents! Treat yourself and your spouse to a quiet night, and let your kids have some fun too!

When: Friday, November 19, 2010

Time: 5:30 to Midnight

Where: Peaches Happy Daycare

Fees: $40 per child ($25 for the next sibling)

What to bring: Pajamas and a security toy and/or blanket, if needed.

(PLEASE RSVP at least two days in advance!)

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